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Gastroflux tabletas 10 mg, levothroid sodium 2.5 sildenafil 50 mg, lisinopril sodium 2.5 tadalafil 1.25 mg, ethinyl estradiol 800 μg/day 50 μg/day, fluoxetine 3 mg, desoxycoumarin 2.5%, cromolyn sodium 3.0%, metronidazole acetate 0.25%, pimecrolimus 5%), cyproterone acetate, chlorpropamide-acetamide, triamterene, metronidazole acetate 0.25%, povidone acetate, sulfamethoxazole, metronidazole povidone, pethidine, methylephedrine, methanol, chloral hydrate, chloropressin, chlorpheniramine, fenfluramine, mefloquine, cimetidine, clindamycin, minocycline, phenidostigmine bromide, mefloquine, and quinine. [28]. The following oral contraceptives that cause the lowest effective dose for prevention of ovulation are: levonorgestrel 2.5 mg, etonorgestrel 5 ethinyl estradiol (21 µg), desirene 1.2%, and norethindrone 100 mg (which, of course, should not be used before the first day of menstrual cycle.) [29]. Hormonal birth control that is not hormonal Hormone therapy for women who do not intend to become pregnant has been studied in both human and clinical data. In general, it does not work. As long ovulation still occurs, oral contraceptives work because they inhibit ovulation while preventing fertilization and hence pregnancy in many women. most cases, this is not a barrier; only about 60–70% of women will have at their disposal an additional reason for not using contraceptive. this group of women, oral contraceptives can still become an excellent adjunct because they increase the chance of a pregnancy by up to 10%. Moreover, the use of hormones is often very successful even after fertilization has failed. The hormonal birth control methods that do not affect human egg or sperm function are: intrauterine devices (IUDs), spironolactone, progethinone, and norethindrone. The IUD is one of those forms hormonal contraception with which ovulation takes place when implanted. Although the use of intrauterine devices (IUDs) with progestin-only implants has been discontinued by the World Health Organization because it had little effect on the effectiveness of method, IUDs with progestin and estrogen remain safe for postmenopausal women. A woman who stops using hormones has the same chances as a nonusers of having an unintended pregnancy and if this occurs, she should